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Nintendo will launch a bracelet for Pokemon Go

Nintendo запустит в продажу браслет для Pokemon GoBracelet Pokemon Go Plus had to leave at the end of July, but Nintendo has delayed the launch.

In September this year, Nintendo will launch a smart bracelet Pokemon Go Plus.

Pokemon Go Plus will allow players to perform certain tasks of the game, not pulling from his pocket a smartphone. The bracelet will serve light and vibrating alerts, if there is pagestop or pokemon. Pressing the Central button of the bracelet, the player can catch pokémon or to collect items.

While using the accessory, it will be possible to catch only the pokemon that the player catches the first time.

Go-to-market bracelet is estimated at $35. It was originally planned that Pokemon Go Plus will be released in late July. However, Nintendo moved the launch date. Currently, the company is contacting customers who have already ordered a bracelet to apologize and offer a discount.

Pokemon Go was released in the beginning of the month, but managed to gain huge popularity and become a solid source of income for their creators. Earlier it became known that only the American owners of iOS devices to bring them $1.6 million a day. Last weekend (23-24 July), the level of profit reached $5 million.

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