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Natural remedies for headaches

Натуральные средства от головной болиNatural remedies that you can use every day in order to headache you never have to worry.

According to the world Health Organization (who), headache is the most common disease of the nervous system, the problem is to date poorly understood, and often people are exposed to it do not receive appropriate treatment.

What is known by the generic name, headache, in fact, includes various types of this disease, from the common headache, caused by spasms of the muscles of the neck, to migraine, leading to permanent total disablement.

You can learn about 10 natural remedies that you can use every day in order to headache you never have to worry.

However, before resorting to the treatment of these assets, it is important to know the cause of the headache. If it is a recurring phenomenon, be sure to consult your doctor!

1. Magnesium and headache

An interesting fact is that most people who often suffer from headache, including migraine, have low levels of magnesium in the body.

This can be seen only after a blood test, however, it never hurts to ask your doctor about whether you should take supplements containing magnesium.
This mineral is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body, especially those that are related to the voltage and relaxing the walls of blood vessels.
Although magnesium is found in foods such as almonds, shellfish, or vegetables, with its deficit much more benefit from dietary supplements with this mineral that you can buy in pharmacies and shops of natural products.

2. More vitamin B2

When we talk about vitamin B2, we mean Riboflavin, which is found in most green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts and some types of cereals.
Many people who, in addition to a lack of magnesium also have low levels of vitamin B2, this leads to muscle spasms, vision problems, acne, and, of course, headaches.

If you notice that constantly feeling tired, your nails break easily, the hair also become very brittle, you are constantly sore and headache is your constant life companion, try to improve your diet by adding foods rich in vitamin B2.

3. Infusion Matricaria (Feverfew)

You’ll find dried flowers of pyrethrum in pharmacies or stores of natural products. This plant is a very popular tool for the treatment of migraines and headaches.

Due to its volatile oils containing alpha pinene and borneol, lactones, phytosterols and tannins, this plant acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that also has analgesic (pain relieving) effect.

It is a good sedative and can be taken up to two times a day. Just brew a tea by adding 5 grams of this herb in a Cup of boiling water.

4. Tea from ginger

Ginger root has this property, as the suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances responsible for the occurrence of pain.

You can take each day to 10 g of ginger tea. Therefore, it is recommended to drink the infusion of this root twice a day, morning and evening.

You can even replace ginger analgesic, it has the advantage that it causes no side effects. Worth a try, to see that it works.

5. Relaxing bath for feet

Lowering your tired feet in a hot bath and giving them rest, you can cause your headache to subside. To do this, add a few drops of lavender essential oil or peppermint.

Simply immerse your feet in water for 15 minutes. As claimed by proponents of natural medicine such a simple tool like a small foot bath can relieve tension and to cope with a headache.

6. Keep under control the “triggers” of headaches

As is always the case with most diseases, a great way to prevent headaches, tension and migraines is to control triggers, i.e., those phenomena that cause these diseases. So, what you need to do:

Avoid dairy products, wine, aged cheeses and very spicy foods.
Keep under control the sources of stress.
Keep in mind that hormonal changes always act as triggers for headaches. So be ready for it during premenstrual syndrome. For example, try to lead a more quiet life, drink more fluids, not to make unnecessary effort and avoid the products mentioned above.
Strong odors, light, smoke and heat or sudden temperature changes also act as triggers for headaches.

7. Walk every day

Walking every day for half an hour to help relax, relieve headaches, strengthen your health and help to get away from everyday problems.
Don’t even hesitate, go for a walk right now, and you will see how with each step you will feel more free and relaxed.

8. The power of essential oils

Aromatherapy is another interesting way to relieve a headache, which is worth a try. For this you can use essential oils of lavender, mint, chamomile and rosemary. You just need to add 6 drops in a glass of water (200 ml), and then moisten the cloth and put it on his forehead and neck.

9. Heat therapy-cold

This is a great tool. For this, you will need a bag of ice and a hot cloth soaked in tincture of lavender or rosemary. Apply an ice pack to the head and hold for several minutes, then replace it with a hot cloth. It has an incredibly relaxing effect.

10. Try unconventional therapies

It is clear that each case is unique, each person has their own needs, and the same things don’t work the same for everyone. Do not think that the only effective means is the pills from the pharmacy. Try other methods of treatment. Some get good results from acupuncture, others do yoga or try the biofeedback (biological feedback)…

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