Home / Science and technology / NASA is testing a prototype of the system the capture of a giant specimen of the asteroid

NASA is testing a prototype of the system the capture of a giant specimen of the asteroid

NASA тестирует прототип системы захвата гигантского образца астероида

National Board of the USA on Aeronautics and space research (NASA) has been working on technology that will help in the implementation of a complex project Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM).

The essence of the mission is to send to one of the near-earth asteroids, the robot spaceship that can grab the surface of a space object quite a large boulder and then deliver it to orbit the moon. Subsequently, a detailed study of such a sample will be able to engage a team of astronauts sent to the lunar orbit manned spacecraft.

NASA тестирует прототип системы захвата гигантского образца астероида

Currently the specialists of NASA is testing a prototype of the system the capture of a giant specimen of the asteroid on the layout installed in the Center of Goddard (Greenbelt, MD, USA). Layout consists of an inner aluminium frame, plywood, foam and rocks. The experts are testing supports and positioners capture system.

NASA тестирует прототип системы захвата гигантского образца астероида

It is expected that the robot apparatus within the ARM mission will be launched in December 2021. As possible targets named asteroids (25143) Itokawa, (101955) Bennu, (341843) 2008 EV5 and (162173) Ryugu. Astronauts will be sent to sample the asteroid to lunar orbit no earlier than 2026.

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