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Named ways to normalize blood pressure without medication

Названы способы нормализации давления без лекарствDoctors told how to reduce blood pressure without the pills.

There are many ways to normalize blood pressure, not necessarily using medicines. There are much better medications as they do not lead to undesirable side effects and does not cause dependence.

In order to normalize the pressure, it is necessary, first, to monitor their weight. People with obesity or excess fat in the abdominal area are more likely to suffer from disorders of blood pressure. In addition, they are more prone to diabetes and hypertension, reports neboley.com.ua

Eat healthy: a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly useful for maintaining healthy blood pressure. Avoid too salty foods and fast food like pizzas and burgers. Salt is one of the main reasons why a person experiences problems with high blood pressure.

Physical exercise is an effective way of dealing with disorders of the pressure. When we do, the body of toxins that are associated with many diseases. Also, sport helps to get rid of excess weight, thereby improving the cardiovascular system.

Avoid alcohol: a small amount of alcohol, according to some experts, it is useful for heart and blood pressure. Large quantities of alcohol leads to development of hypertension.

Regularly check your blood pressure and watch for any alarming changes, that would be the time to intervene and bring the situation under control

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