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Named the most dangerous myths about hypertension

Названы самые опасные мифы о гипертонииExperts have exposed the top 10 myths associated with hypertension.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypertension.

You must have sufficient information to successfully treat this disorder.

Experts from the UK exposed 10 myths associated with high blood pressure.

Hypertension is a disease of elderly

This is not true, as high blood pressure and related health problems suffering an increasing number of young people. Indeed, with age, the blood vessels weaken and the risk of hypertension increases. However, according to the world health organization, from high blood pressure affects one in three people over the age of 18.

Women are less likely to suffer from hypertension

Both sexes are equally often faced with high blood pressure. However, statistics show that this disorder is more common in men up to 45 years and women after menopause.

With hypertension get headaches

High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because very often it generally does not manifest itself. The vast majority of cases, hypertension is diagnosed in the doctor’s office as the result of the reading of blood pressure using sphygmomanometer. That is why victims of hypertension can deal with problems of the heart and kidneys, without even knowing it.

About hypertension you can learn just one indicator of tonometer

Blood pressure of a person varies throughout the day. At night and in the morning it is most low, and in the evening – the most high. Pressure is also increasing in the state of nervous tension, during physical activity and alcohol consumption. Single indicator tonometer does not indicate hypertension. For diagnosis it is necessary to monitor changes in this indicator for several days.

The people at risk can protect themselves from hypertension

Even if your relatives suffer from hypertension, you can take preventive measures to protect from this disorder. First of all, it concerns a proper diet, limit intake of salt, regular exercise, stress management and Smoking cessation.

If only one indicator is high, then that’s fine

Our heart can withstand sudden increases in systolic blood pressure compared to diastolic. Constantly high diastolic pressure causes problems in the heart. However, persistent elevated systolic blood pressure are also a cause for concern in people older than 50.

My salt intake is under control, I almost never salt food

There are so-called hidden salt that is present in conservitave, processed food and even confectionery. It is therefore necessary to carefully read the ingredients list of those products that you buy in the store.

High blood pressure is not a cause for concern

The fact that hypertension suffer tens of millions of people does this disease is trifling. In addition to severe, life-threatening cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes, hypertension threatens to vision problems, circulatory disorders of the legs, chronic kidney disease and many other serious diseases.

Hypertension can be cured by medicines

High blood pressure can be controlled with medication, but it cannot be cured. That is why supplementation is for life, as well as adherence to certain lifestyle rules.

If the pressure returned to normal, the medication can be stopped

Medications taken in order that the pressures were normal. If so, it means that the meds are working. If you stop taking it, the pressure will jump again.

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