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Named the products that will help prolong youth

Названы продукты, которые помогут продлить молодостьWe have prepared a list of products that relate to improving health and appearance.

Of course, aging is a natural process for our body, and stop it scientists have not yet learned.

However, there are certain foods that give our body those substances that can slow the aging process.

Estrogen is the main source of female beauty. It is responsible for the health and elasticity of the skin. With age, estrogen decreases, which is immediately reflected on the skin. Adding to the diet the right foods, you can improve the situation.

Nutritionist Dana James told which products contain substances similar to estrogen, and why they need to include in your daily diet.

1. Avocado

This exotic fruit known for their beneficial properties. It contains a thick oil, which composition similar to olive. This oil with regular use protects skin cells and improves skin hydration from the inside. In addition, avocado displays the body of excess cholesterol.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric also has long been known for its incredible properties. This is a real elixir of youth! No wonder Indian women since ancient times used it for different masks, cosmetics and cooking.

Regular use of turmeric helps to fight cellulite, smoothes out dimpled skin, preserves youthfulness and beauty. It is particularly useful for those who eat on the diet, since turmeric reduces the craving for sweets. Apply it topically, for example, masks which rejuvenate and smooth the skin.

3. The juice of green vegetables and fruits

In green vegetables and fruits contain many antioxidants. That’s why regular consumption of fresh juice from them will provide the body with nutrients, give energy and prolong youth.

Green fruits and vegetables appreciably slow the aging process. Try to choose vegetables and fruits in season: summer – cucumbers, fennel, mint or kiwi, in the winter you can go to spinach, Apple and lime.

4. Salmon

Salmon contains large amounts of essential fatty acids omega-3, which is often added to various anti-aging cosmetics. It is the most valuable substance promotes tightening of the skin, maintain its elasticity and tone. Omega-3 also help maintain the health of the cardiovascular system.

5. Olive oil

Fastest aging becomes noticeable on dry skin. The olive oil gives it the best hydration. Oil direct extraction — a source of beneficial fatty acids, which are involved in the regeneration of skin cells.

There’s a huge number of useful elements. Many famous beauty not only consume it in food, but also used for Facials. For example, Sophia Loren calls him her main beauty secret and has repeatedly stated that he loves this oil.

6. Green tea

In green tea contains maximum amount of antioxidants. To maintain youthful skin it’s better to drink 3-4 cups of tea daily. Chilled brewed tea bags I love the bags under his eyes.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is one of the most effective fruits in the fight for youthful skin. It contains large amounts of vitamins E and C, which are powerful antioxidants.

They protect skin cells from toxins and harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In kiwi fruit contains few calories, so it is doubly useful for those who are watching a figure.

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