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Named the most useful product for cleansing the vessels

Назван самый полезный продукт для очищения сосудовOnly one product will help clean blood vessels and to lose weight in one month.

This product has long been known for its healing properties and can claim to be one of the main healing supplements.

Is flax seeds. How to use them for the benefit of the heart, blood vessels, mind, and weight loss.

Flax seeds – inexpensive, accessible, and quite delicious remedy is a kind of food additive, which simultaneously takes care of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of each member of the family helps to organize the work of the digestive tract, lose weight and keep your mind sharp and young person…

It turns out that if you have 2-3 tbsp of flax seeds a day at least a month, it is possible to achieve significant results in reducing weight, cleansing of vessels from cholesterol plaques, improve blood composition and… As a bonus: reliable prevention of heart attacks, strokes and obesity.

Do not forget that in many flax essential fatty acids. And they need everything.

Along the way, we can achieve improvements:

mental acuity
attention and memory
of the bowel
the skin and its elasticity.

Flax seeds good for the heart

How to eat flax seeds properly?

These small brown seeds are tasty and whole: they are good to add to salads. But they are less digestible. It is very important to chew them (if you decide to take them as separate medicinal Supplement) or grind to a powder in kofemolke. The smaller the seeds, the higher the percentage absorption.

Powder these useful products are added anywhere, even in soups, pastries, and cereals. But they can be part of and otdelnye dishes. We offer three wonderful prescription for losing weight and improving the gastrointestinal tract, heart attacks and General cleansing.

3 recipe of flax seeds

Flax cereal

5-6 tablespoons of powder from the seeds pour 1 Cup very hot milk. Mix, the capacity to be sealed, leave for five minutes.

Then you can add honey or leave it as is and eat your Breakfast, preferably on an empty stomach. A minimum therapeutic course of cleansing and weight loss on the basis of this dish is 14 days. Best course – 1 month.

The cocktail for weight loss

In 1 Cup of pineapple juice (get ready, no sugar) add 3 hours scoops of flax seed, 1 tsp oil from flax. Shake, drink in small SIPS one hour before a meal.

Treat the stomach and clean the intestines

2 hours spoons of the same ground in a coffee grinder seed pour boiling water, insist 15 minutes, to eat on an empty stomach or at night (three hours after the last meal).

Or 2 tablespoons of powder mix with a glass of kefir or yogurt and eat instead of Breakfast or dinner.

This is very useful for the entire digestive tract.

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