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Named the most common symptoms of bladder cancer

Названы самые распространенные симптомы рака мочевого пузыряBladder cancer often affects men than women and often develops in people over the age of 55 years.

Regardless of your age, you should know the symptoms of bladder cancer.

1. Blood in the urine
Blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. Blood in the urine can be expressed either as microscopic inclusions when they are difficult to notice, or “chunks”, and then they can actually see. Blood may not always have a bright red color. Sometimes the urine looks brown, like the color of tea. If you notice blood in your urine, contact your doctor immediately. These symptoms of bladder cancer are often ignored by men.

2. Pain or burning when you urinate
Of course, if the blood in urine is microscopic, you will not be able to see it, so it is important to pay attention to other symptoms. For example, pain or burning during urination can be an indicator of bladder cancer. Many people, especially when you get older have signs of the changes of urination. But these changes are, as a rule, should be gradual. More acute changes state when urination indicate that it is time to consult a doctor.

3. Frequent urge to the toilet, and the minimum urine output
You may feel like something presses on the bladder, but when you finally reach the toilet, you will be hard to urinate or urine will not be. Or, you can especially often want to relieve themselves at night. If any of these scenarios for you is not normal, schedule an initial consultation with a doctor. Don’t get nervous, if you have this symptom, it could just be a urinary tract infection (UTI). But, if you are more than 55 years, then such changes can be signs of bladder cancer.

4. Urinary tract infection does not disappear after treatment
Most UTIS are not talking about bladder cancer, but in women the cancer may be wrongly diagnosed as UTI. If you go to the doctor with UTI you will be prescribed antibiotics. If symptoms persist for several weeks after you have finished the treatment, it is likely that you have bladder cancer. According to statistics, more women actually die from bladder cancer than from cervical cancer. These and other symptoms of bladder cancer women tend to ignore. Although this disease affects men more often than women, women are still in danger.
Do not ignore the symptoms of diseases, and be healthy!

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