Home / Medicine / Named the main symptoms of lack of protein in the body

Named the main symptoms of lack of protein in the body

Названы основные симптомы недостатка белка в организмеHow to determine a shortage of protein in the body.

With today’s level of medicine and science, when scientists come to prove the dangers of certain foods, supporters of a healthy lifestyle is very hard to compile for yourself a harmonious diet.

Under blow have got butter, eggs, meat and milk. However, after some time these products are acknowledged useful by excluding them from the forbidden list. For example, today doctors claim that cow’s milk can be the basis for a cure for cancer of the stomach, and the eggs do not cause high “bad” cholesterol.

In addition, all these products – sources of essential human protein, which is essential for healthy functioning of our body. If the diet of the family, particularly small children, not enough protein, illness, fatigue and developmental delays will not be forthcoming.

That is why we must not miss the first alarm bells, signaling the start of serious health problems.

3 the first signs of lack of protein:

The deterioration of memory and attention
Protein is essential for active work of the brain, among other things, it is necessary for good concentration and memory. If you notice that a child or an adult family member unable to concentrate and constantly forgets the simplest things he said a minute ago – it’s time to think about it, if he have enough protein in the diet. An egg white omelet, steamed, will correct the current situation and return brain activity. Chronic weakness and low body resistance will go away.

Overwhelming appetite
Constant hunger can talk about the races in the level of glucose in the blood. Them, including the cause of unbalanced diet low in protein. Therefore, to impose such a strict limitation of protein is impossible without first consulting a specialist who can weigh all the risks and make a decision on this issue. Meantime, prepare vegetable stew with chicken. This dish will not add extra pounds, and saturate the body with necessary protein.

Falling hair, brittle nails and skin can speak about the lack of protein in the body. To eliminate this symptom will not work with expensive shampoos and essential oils, the starting day, you need to fully review their menu, especially for those who adhere to the principles of raw foodism and vegetarianism. In complete elimination of meat from the diet, it must be replaced by other natural proteins. To help in this case will come meatless bean soup.

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