Home / Medicine / Named the main symptoms of beriberi

Named the main symptoms of beriberi

Названы основные симптомы авитаминозаThese symptoms is reason to seek medical attention.

Traditional deficiency is considered the season of spring, however, many are suffering from this disease and in the hot summer months. Immediate treatment is necessary in any weather, and therefore it is very important to recognize the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, which in Midsummer is often difficult.

Beriberi is a disease evolving under the influence of adverse environmental factors and by a long odnoobraznaya and unbalanced diet, devoid of the needed vitamins and minerals. For example, if we decide to abandon animal products, the body quickly begins to miss of vitamins A, D and E. If the diet low in fruits and vegetables, there is a deficiency of vitamins C and b, and so on.

If you believe the experts, the body rarely not enough of any one vitamin. Usually it requires a recharge from several fronts, and that this is signaled through easily recognizable symptoms.


Symptoms of deficiency are visible and invisible forms. The most obvious is the chronic fatigue, manifested by constant sleepiness, poor concentration, apathy, increased irritability and bad mood. Along with them often come and sleep disorders. In the summer, when daylight is long, and the street, Sunny weather, these symptoms are especially alarming and should be cause for an immediate visit to the doctor.


The second symptom of beriberi, quickly revealed itself are various rash on the skin and visible changes of the skin. On the face can appear acne, caused by lack of vitamins A, C and E, in the corners of the mouth can cause unpleasant cracked skin on the hands may start to peel off treacherously, under the eyes can appear dark bags. Vitamin deficiency rapidly affects the condition of hair and nails — the two most important indicators of the health of the body. With a shortage of vitamins the nails begin to change the elevation and break down, and hair, to fade, to lose density and fall out.

A common phenomenon, as stretch marks on the skin, too, as it turns out, one of the most obvious symptoms of beriberi. This means that the body should immediately restore the supply of vitamin E, diversified diet.


The exacerbation of a gastritis, constipation and disorders of the digestive system, especially in the summer — a clear sign of insufficient intake of Riboflavin or vitamin B2. Vital vitamin necessary for red blood cell formation, antibody production, for the regulation of growth and reproductive functions. It determines the hair growth, it is responsible for the health of the thyroid gland and the General condition of the body. With timely diagnosis, the lack of Riboflavin could be rectified by adding to the diet of cabbage, tomatoes, oatmeal, fish, apricots and eggs.


Cheerleaders are required and frequent colds, accompanied by sore throat and sneezing. By mid-summer the majority of known allergies disappearing, and the tone of the body objectively should be close to the maximum, so stuffy nose and sore throat indicate a clear lack of vitamins.


Another symptom of vitamin deficiency are often bleeding when brushing your teeth gums. Usually this symptom is accompanied by one of those listed above, but thanks to his clarity, beriberi sometimes it is much easier to diagnose. Usually, this means that the body lacks vitamin C and what you need to ease up on the citrus.


The deficiency of vitamins in the body may also indicate muscle weakness, accompanied by a sudden swelling of the joints, seizures, numbness, tingling in the fingertips, sudden convulsions and poor coordination of movements. When these symptoms should get tested, consult a doctor and be sure to balance your diet by adding foods rich in vitamins of different groups.


Of course, the vitamin deficiency affects the intimate life. Decreased libido, lack of desire, evening apathy and indifference towards the opposite sex is a clear sign of vitamin deficiency, require immediate professional intervention.

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