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Named the causes of morning headaches

Названы причины утренней головной болиDoctors told why in the morning can be a headache.

If every morning a headache, then maybe the reason is stress and chronic fatigue. Often after a dream have a headache from the smokers. Cause headaches can also be lack of sleep, poor diet and disease.

Stress. A headache called stress, psychological pain or stress. Most often in emotional tension after a sleep headache for middle-aged women. This situation may not fix the medication. If you feel emotional tension, depressive mood you have and every morning a headache, immediately take a vacation!

Smoking. Every morning a headache? Often systematic headache appears as a result of Smoking. Most often this type of pain appears in men. One solution is to get rid of bad habits.

Uncomfortable pillow. If you sleep in an awkward position, it is not surprising that headache in the morning. Often the culprit for this condition is the uncomfortable pillow. If it is too large, the vertebrae can pinch nerves, blocking the entrance of sufficient oxygen to the brain.

Insomnia. Sleepless nights is one of the most common reasons why headache in the morning. For normal state of health the body needs a rest. If you have every morning a headache, try to establish a sleep: go to bed until midnight, sleep at least 8 hours, exclude from the diet of afternoon coffee, and before going to bed, drink tea with herbs to calm the nervous system (motherwort, Valerian and so on).

Food. If after sleep a headache, then also analyze your diet. The main instigators of headaches in the morning is eaten on the night spicy, fried foods. In addition, avoid overeating the night.

Disease. If every morning a headache, you should consult a doctor. After all, the reason for the headaches in the morning can be such diseases as sinusitis, diabetes, hypertension, migraine and others.

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