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Named the benefits of beer for the figure

Названа польза пива для фигурыIt turned out that the beer is very good for your figure.

Scientists from the University of Oregon have discovered the positive properties of xanthohumol – flavonoid contained in beer.

The researchers divided 48 male mice into two groups: for 12 weeks the first group was fed only fat-containing products, the second group to the nutritional diet added 30-60 mg xanthohumol per kilogram of body weight, reports the Metro.

At the expiration time of the experiment, scientists noted that the animals from the second group reduced cholesterol by 80% and weighed 22% less than mice from the first group.

Since xanthohumol contains in beer and contributes to weight loss, scientists have suggested that beer can be useful for the figure. However, in order for the chemical substance acted on humans as well as mice, you should drink about 1750 liters of beer per day.

Despite the fact that to drink as much intoxicating drink is simply unrealistic, minimal positive effect potential.

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