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Effective ways to get rid of “bad” cholesterol

Эффективные способы избавиться от «плохого» холестерина A few useful tips.

Our bodies contain good and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol, called HDL-cholesterol is a type of fat that helps to clear the arteries and improves cardiovascular health.

In turn the bad cholesterol, known as LDL, is the type of fat that is deposited on artery walls, which over time, they get blocked and blood flow is deteriorating.

While the bulk of cholesterol the liver produces approximately 20-30% enters the body with food. It is therefore important to monitor their diet to avoid problems, which leads to excess cholesterol in the blood.

Some useful tips that will help to cleanse the body of bad cholesterol.

Increase the intake of vitamins

Intake of vitamins C, E and group B in food is necessary in order to clear arteries and prevent cholesterol from accumulating in them. These vitamins reduce cholesterol in the body and do not let it harm our body.

Vitamin C rich many fruits, such as lemon, orange, pomelo, tangerine, kiwi.

Vitamin E found in grain products: flax seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ.

Reduce intake of eggs

One egg contains 275 mg of cholesterol. You can eat eggs in foods in moderation, then they will not cause any harm to health. To reduce the risk, you can only eat protein, since all of the cholesterol contained in the yolk.

Try not to eat saturated fats

It is very important to minimize the intake of saturated fats, because they contain a lot of cholesterol. This type of fat is contained in beef, pork, butter, cheese, whole milk and gidrogenizirovannogo oil.

Try to replace these foods with fish, poultry, vegetables and olive oil.

Obesity and extra weight are your worst enemies

Obesity and overweight have a negative impact on health overall, but most of all they overload the cardiovascular system. Excess weight is directly linked to high cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you suffer from obesity or overweight, it is important to consult with a nutritionist and work together to develop a diet that will help to get rid of unwanted pounds.

Get rid of bad habits

A sedentary lifestyle and abuse of alcohol and cigarettes has a direct relationship with the formation of bad cholesterol in the body. If you want to be healthy, get rid of these habits as soon as possible.

Eat raw garlic

Use raw garlic in the food is one of the most effective means to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

It contains antioxidants and nutrients that help clean the blood vessels, making them elastic and prevent the cholesterol deposited on artery walls.

Eat raw garlic on an empty stomach to extract maximum benefit.

Eat flax seeds

Flaxseed is a natural plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for cleansing the arteries from cholesterol.

1-2 tablespoons of flax seed once a day will not allow cholesterol to accumulate in the arteries and protect them from obstruction. Flax seeds can also be added to salads, smoothies and desserts.

Eat apples

Due to the high content of pectin, apples are ideal for lowering cholesterol in the blood. These fruits cleanse the arteries and allow cholesterol plaque from attaching to their walls.

Drink infusion of eggplant and Canary seed

The water from the eggplant and Canary seed is a natural remedy used for weight loss and cholesterol levels in the blood.

To prepare this remedy, mix two tablespoons of Canary seed and one medium size eggplant, cut into slices. Put the mixture in a pot, add 1 liter water and simmer over a slow fire.

When the mixture begins to boil, leave it on the heat for another 20 minutes. When the mixture is ready, remove from the heat, add to the infusion of lemon juice and drink it every day on an empty stomach.

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