Home / Medicine / Named category of people are most at risk of cancer of the kidneys

Named category of people are most at risk of cancer of the kidneys

Названа категория людей, более остальных рискующая заболеть раком почекEvery year the number of people with detected malignant tumors in the kidney grows.

If early kidney cancer was one of the rarest types of cancer, but now the situation, unfortunately, is changing and the number of diseases is increasing with breakneck speed. Doctors able to save the person diagnosed with “kidney cancer”, but only in case if the disease were established at an early stage of its development, but more than 40% of patients still do not have chances for a full recovery. A large part of cancer patients die due to the fact that time did not notice the typical symptoms and did not return once a year in health-care facilities, having missed my chance for a happy and long life.

Who are most susceptible to the formation of malignant tumors in the kidney:

1. Men. Women can also get cancer of the kidneys, but in comparison with men, the number of female patients with malignant tumors is much lower.

2. Retired. Most often doctors detect a tumor in the kidney in a patient of advanced age. At a younger age may also develop kidney cancer, but such cases are relatively few.

3. Alcoholics and smokers. As we know, nicotine and alcohol are detrimental to overall health. The substances contained in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, is able to destroy immune cells and allow cancer cells to develop in the body.

4. Fat people. Those who suffer from overweight themselves pushed to the deterioration of the quality of life and health. People who are overweight often fall under the blow of cancer, than all the rest who have normal weight.

5. High blood pressure. High blood pressure its own effect on the human body, but the medication, reducing blood pressure, can affect health far more negatively.

6. Bad heredity may play a cruel joke with the man who leads healthy lifestyle and has no bad habits. This applies to all existing types of cancer.

7. A weakened immune system unable to destroy cancer cells at the initial stage of their development, so it’s important to take care of your immune system.

If the person had symptoms such as: severe pain in region of kidneys, urine with blood clots, and the ability to feel the tumor itself, then you should immediately go to the hospital to determine the causes of what is happening.

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