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Named as an unexpected aphrodisiac for men

Назван неожиданный афродизиак для мужчинIn addition, this plant is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Be sure not to find a person who has not heard about the benefits of garlic for the human body.

The particular value it represents for urban residents in the period of a complex epidemiological situation which threatens to turn into a flu or SARS.

No wonder, because it is a traditional herb has strong antiviral properties, and volatile, which are contained in garlic, helps to avoid infectious diseases.

In addition, since ancient times, garlic was used:

For the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
To enhance immunity,
In the treatment of some diseases of the digestive system
To improve the condition of hair and skin,
As a mild natural aphrodisiac for men.
The biggest drawback of this plant with a characteristic taste is not very pleasant scent which is hard to get rid of after eating dishes with garlic. Even washing your hands with soap and water or treatment of the teeth with a special paste does not always bring the expected result. So you can hear the Council before an important meeting or a romantic date eat garlic absolutely not!

But this is not true. The main thing – to be able to properly prepare. Then people won’t be quietly close the nose with your hand and your body will get maximum benefits from this product. How to make the smell of garlic is practically invisible? There are a couple of tested recipes!

Ginger-garlic tea

This drink is not too popular in our area, but love him in Asia, where it is considered one of the best ways to lose weight.

To make it simple: ginger root (about 3 cm) and 2 cloves of garlic must be cut into thin strips, and then pour 2 liters of boiling water. Optionally, you can add dry black or green tea. Leave for 1-1,5 hours in a tightly closed thermos. After this strain. The drink is ready to drink in small portions.

Marinated garlic without the smell

For its preparation you will need:

garlic 20-25 cloves,
fat sour cream — 200 g
honey — 4 tsp,
lemon juice — 4 tsp,
herbs optional — 1 tsp,
salt — 0.5 tsp.

Clean the cloves from the skin.
Mix all the ingredients for the marinade, season with salt, add spices.
Bring the marinade to a boil, reduce the heat.
Add the garlic and then all together for about 3 minutes.
Put in jar, cool and put into the refrigerator.

This garlic can be added to soup, porridge or meat without fear of unpleasant consequences.

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