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Named a way to extend the life for 18 years

Назван способ продлить жизнь на 18 лет

Doctors at the example of Canada studied the impact of unhealthy lifestyles on the development of the disease and its duration. To increase this figure to 18 years can stop Smoking and start exercising. A study published in the journal PLOS Medicine, briefly about it reports the edition EurekAlert!

Unhealthy lifestyle, as shown by scientists, on average, six years, reducing its duration. While 26 percent of these deaths are associated with Smoking, 24 per cent with lack of physical activity, and 12 percent with poor nutrition and 0.4 percent alcohol.

These causes are associated half of the deaths in Canada. The main risk factor (Smoking) shortens the life of men by 3.1 years, women — for 3 years. People leading a healthy lifestyle, according to experts, live on average 17.9 years longer than leading unhealthy. Individual health risks, scientists propose to calculate on their website.

To conduct the study, researchers created a special software package, with which they were able to conduct a statistical analysis of the health of canadian citizens, collected in 2009-2010. Earlier, Swedish scientists have shown that Smoking and low physical activity are the main causes of premature death.

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