Home / Science and technology / Microsoft was intrigued by the development of a new smartphone

Microsoft was intrigued by the development of a new smartphone

Microsoft заинтриговала разработкой нового смартфонаMicrosoft plans to create a unique smartphone.

Software giant Microsoft has continued to suffer losses in the mobile market, continuing to lose ground around the world.

However, the development of a long-awaited flagship smartphone, which is predicting unprecedented specifications and stylish unique design.

Recently corporate Vice President of Windows direction Kevin Gallo shared some details about this device.

He noted that the gadget will get high quality and innovation but its main focus will be the corporate segment.

Gallo said that the company plans to create a high quality device with some innovation, as was done with the Surface, which then will adopt OEMs.

He also noted that Microsoft has no plans to develop mobile versions of Windows. Windows Phone is fully supported, but will no longer develop

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