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Medvedev: Science can only develop in the state

The government should play a leading role in the development of Russian science, the head of the government

Медведев: Наука может развиваться только при господдержке  https://regnum.ru/uploads/pictures/news/2016/08/26/regnum_picture_14722098561659479_big.jpg” alt=”Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The in vivo image. Paper, Burin engraving. E. Fesser and K. A. Wortman. 1757 Wortman Christians-albert” />


https://regnum.ru/russian/fd-nw/piter.html” rel=”nofollow”>ST. PETERSBURG, https://regnum.ru/news/2016-08-26.html” rel=”nofollow”>August 26, 2016, 14:03 — REGNUM, the Russian Government intends to maintain all existing programs in the development of national science. About it on August 26 during the meeting with the participants of the forum “Development of higher education in St. Petersburg, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“It’s all an illusion that at some point you can “unhook” the science and say that science will evolve through internal sources and through direct support from the commercial sector,” — said Medvedev.

He admitted the possibility of the involvement of businessmen in the development of science, but noted that “the state will still play a leading role” as it is”in the most advanced countries “is absolutely a market economy”: “the conclusion is that those programs support, taking into account the current situation — I have to say, though, that we have, we will try the save.

We will remind, in June 2016, Dmitry Medvedev said that the programme for the modernisation of schools should be completed within the next decade.


“The most important thing is to see the future because we have a school program over the next 10 years to fully close across the country,” — said Medvedev.

Recall that in the last decade, the field of science in Russia is experiencing not the best times. In science, there was a shortage of personnel and allocations of Finance to certain scientific field. The situation has started to improve in recent years.

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