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How antibacterial soap is harmful to health

Antibacterial soap no better than regular.American scientists have shed light on the negative properties of an antibacterial soap. Epidemiologists and physicians have refuted the widespread belief that washing hands with antibacterial soap prevents spread of germs. Experts note that the use of antibacterial soap may be dangerous to health. Six …

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The doctors explained what determines school performance

A group of academics stated that the school performance of children depends on the psychological health of teachers. Experts say that in the course of the implementation of the integrated laboratory observations the doctors managed to capture an interesting pattern. It should be noted that the initiators of the project …

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Named the most useful cereal for weight loss

They also allow you to get rid of bad cholesterol. Scientists have found that oats and barley, those grains, cereals of which will help to get rid of “bad” cholesterol. Researchers say that cholesterol comes from internal source (75%), that is, it produces the human body and from the external …

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Discovered the relationship between Smoking and alcohol consumption

Nicotine increases the pleasurable effects of alcohol while reducing the risk of negative consequences. Do you smoke? Drink? “Two in one”? This is normal. And this applies to many: studies show that 85% of regular drinkers of people “addicted” to nicotine. As the scientists explain, these two substances are approximately …

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Named products that can be stored forever

They absolutely do not spoil. White rice. The researchers found that the white (polished) rice is sposoben to support the content of nutrients and a pleasant scent for 30 years when stored in an oxygen-free environment, e.g. in vacuum containers at a low enough temperature. Brown, unpolished rice, however, is …

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Experts have identified as a passion to food alters human DNA

Love of gluttony can be transmitted to children along with DNA. Overeating, and especially love to harmful products, leaves its imprint in human DNA, scientists have proved. Therefore, inadequate dietary habits can be passed on to future generations. And excessive consumption of harmful products lead to cancer, inflammation, infections and …

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Eggshell promotes the healing of wounds

It provides the skin necessary for the recovery of proteins. Egg shells are currently being tested as a treatment for chronic wounds. According to European scientists, the membrane on the inner surface of the shell has healing properties, and researchers have developed dressing material on the basis of this product. …

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Scientists call unusual ways to extend the life of

Spicy food and vegetables – the key to longevity. Immortality, while man remained elusive and fiction of science fiction. But many people want to extend its life much longer. And if you want to live long and be healthy, try to spice up lunch, hot pepper, and replace in your …

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