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Scientists have determined the ideal day of the week for sex

Specialists conducted a study and found a connection between days of the week and desire intimacy. According to British doctors every day of the week can be favorable for intimate relationships. Experts have established when the best time to have sex. The results of the research, the scientists published in …

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Experts explained the nature of the odor from the body

Scientists have linked the smell with metabolic disorders. About a third of people complaining of body odor, there are hereditary metabolic disorders. Time identifying what exactly is associated an unpleasant odor, it is possible to cope with the problem by adjusting the power. As shown by the research of American …

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The best exercises for strengthening bones

The complex of therapeutic exercises for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and tendency to softening of bones, if there are no contraindications, beneficial physical activity has a beneficial effect on bone mass. But we must remember that the load should be gradual and vary depending on the age of the patient. Gymnastic exercises …

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Experts explain why cats extend life

They relieve stress and treat. In the laboratory of the London Institute of therapeutic methods of influence during the research included the cat Mar. Sensors are current generators the low frequencies involved in the survey just rolls over. Experts considered it a coincidence, but this happened every time when the …

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Named the most useful combinations of products

It is not only delicious, but also useful. Agree, we all love to eat and the tastier the food is, the better. But probably few people know that the proper combination of ingredients in the dish depends on the taste, which can be spoiled due to the fact that the …

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Excessive rigor in education may lead to an unexpected result

To such conclusion scientists have come. Children whose parents rigidly control them and disregard the communication, often have a diagnosis of “obesity”. Children 2-5 years with their parents, establishing a rigid framework, and not giving the right to dialogue or manifestations of affection are 30 per cent more were obese …

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Vitamins required for proper functioning of heart

The body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. With heart disease in the body noted increased excretion and increased dissolution of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, the treatment of this disease must necessarily be integrated (with the inclusion of preparations containing trace elements and vitamins for the heart). What …

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