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Infections of the teeth can cause heart disease

Patients suffering from infections of the mouth, 2.7 times more likely to have experienced acute coronary syndrome. Finnish scientists said today that the infection the teeth could be a calling of heart disease. The experiment was conducted on the basis of case histories of 508 patients. Finnish patients with infections …

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Misconceptions and myths about first aid

What not to do in assisting the victim. If you are not sure you know the rules of first aid, do not touch the child until the Ambulance. Better to do nothing than to do wrong and more harm. In the summer the most frequent Emergency calls for children are …

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How to apply the cream

Rules of application of the cream is not complicated. Apply a nourishing cream on the face seems to be the case is not complicated. But in beauty salons masters put it in a certain way, knowing what way to achieve the greatest effect. Rules of application of the cream is …

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Doctors told what the juice is deadly

Lover of grapefruit juice should be remembered that this drink becomes deadly if you eat it with some medicines.Scientists have listed 43 of the medicines that can cause serious health problems if taken with grapefruit juice. While scientists were quick to reassure that the probability of death is small, however, …

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Ways of dealing with facial wrinkles

Every woman dreams to stay young as possible. In the fight against wrinkles successfully used folk remedies, and modern cosmetology. Causes of wrinkles and what are they? Wrinkles are usually classified according to the causes and depth. Distinguish 3 main groups, depending on etiology:Dynamic (expression) wrinkles;Static (aging) wrinkles;Dynamic wrinkles (which …

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Abuse of alcohol leads to loss of memory through time

Problems with alcohol in middle age doubles risk of memory loss later in life, say U.S. researchers. Experts examined the medical data of 6.5 thousand men and women born in the 50’s and 60’s, who have a history of alcohol abuse. It turned out that after about two decades of …

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Diet: benefit or harm

A big plus of this diet is that fasting completely refusing food, don’t have to. Buckwheat diet is one of the most reliable quick ways to lose weight without feeling constant hunger. Provided that You agree 2 weeks is to eat only buckwheat. Although buckwheat diet for weight loss is …

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Why we love sweet

American scientists have revealed the secret of the special love some people to sweet foods. As it turned out, for the transformation of man into the sweet tooth meets a special hormone called FGF21, which is synthesized in the liver and into the blood, affects the perception of taste in …

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Named a new and unique properties of honey

This is the real cure. About the healing qualities of honey written many books and articles. Even in ancient times people successfully used its beneficial properties to cure various serious diseases. Ancient healers noticed that the bees in the hive there is absolute sterility. This means that honey is endowed …

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