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The main symptoms of high blood sugar

The symptoms that you should pay attention to. Not only the people who have diabetes need to worry about blood sugar levels. If you are gaining weight despite the fact that adhere to proper nutrition, constantly feel hungry or suffering from stomach problems, you should get checked out for blood …

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Doctors are told what is dangerous low blood pressure

Low pressure cannot be ignored. Of course, sudden changes of weather conditions impact on health and the pressure is not the best way. Low blood pressure, headache, lethargy and fatigue are the main signs that you need to urgently take measures and to pay due attention to their health. Low …

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Psychologists told how long the love of a woman

Studies have shown that the love goes away in five years. Psychologists say that they managed to fix, how long in women lasts the love to your other half. According to doctors, a new study carried out by doctors have shown that women may love their partners for five years. …

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The juice of this vegetable are advised to drink for all athletes

Beetroot increases stamina. In order to recover from anemia, strengthen immune system and enhance your energy level, you’ll need to add just one more ingredient in your diet — beets. This vegetable is extremely popular among athletes because unpolished endurance during exercise and has the effect of “natural doping” for …

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Doctors told how to maintain mental abilities in old age

The brain needs to be trained. The human ability to think is maintained by the brain. Or rather, the formation of neural connections. With age, they can be violated. However, with the help of special exercises it is possible to train your brain so that connection was always strong. Moreover, …

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The main signs of a stroke, should keep in mind

Knowing these symptoms can save a life. A stroke is usually age-related disease. The older the person, the greater the probability of brain hemorrhage. However, there are cases when the impact happens at a young age, 30-35 years old, and even earlier. For a long time the doctors could not …

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Excessive sweet tooth can cause wrinkles

Sweet can ruin the youth. Every year women spend millions on the purchase of different kinds of humidifiers, the producers of which claim that these wonderful tools are able to turn back time. But if you are a sweet tooth, then no amount of moisturizers will not help you — …

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This vegetable is recommended for all women

Carrots prevents breast cancer. Scientists in the laboratory have failed to prove that the carrot is a product that contains a gene capable of preventing the development of breast cancer. The study was performed at Nantes carrots, which is characterized by bright orange color. In the result it found a …

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How to bleach age spots at home

Folk remedies for skin whitening. Melanocytes – the cells responsible for the bulk pigmentation of the human skin. These cells produce the dark and the main pigment of our skin called melanin. However, very often there are such cases when due to certain reasons in some areas of the skin …

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