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How to bleach age spots at home

Как отбелить пигментные пятна в домашних условияхFolk remedies for skin whitening.

Melanocytes – the cells responsible for the bulk pigmentation of the human skin. These cells produce the dark and the main pigment of our skin called melanin.

However, very often there are such cases when due to certain reasons in some areas of the skin melanocytes produce excessive amounts of melanin, which in turn leads to a different pigment spots. And as a consequence on the face or body of the person there are various dark spots such as freckles, moles, lentigines, chloasma and other.

The experts picked the 6 efficient means that will help to get rid of age spots:

1. Yeast mask

Mix the yeast (15-20 grams) freshly squeezed lemon juice (1.5 teaspoon). Apply the mask, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. After applying yeast mask grease the nourishing cream the face.

2. Cucumber gruel

Grate cucumber on a fine grater, put the resulting slurry on the areas with age spots and keep for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times in a row.

3. Lemon juice

Dilute lemon juice with water (ratio 1:10), and wipe the pigment spots resulting citric solution 2 times a day.

4. Sweet pepper for the face

RUB the peppers on the grate and apply the resulting mush face. Hold it for half an hour, remove and lubricate the face nourishing cream good. Mask of sweet peppers not only will help to remove spots, but also saturate the skin with essential vitamin C.

5. Banana water

Take the peel from a large banana and cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water (250 ml) and leave before the final cooling. Strain, pour into molds for ice and place in freezer. The resulting ice cubes and wipe your face and other parts of the body after sleep.

6. Yogurt, sour milk or yogurt

Apply to face any of the above dairy products and leave it on for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad pre-soaked it in lemon juice or decoction of lime flowers.

Remember that after applying the proposed funds are needed to avoid long exposure to the sun, thus making these masks better in the evening before bedtime. Do not abuse solar baths, to spots not to bother you again!

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