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Media: Saudi Arabia intends to abandon oil

Category “renewable Energy sources”
in the community “Politics, economy, society (without bans)””

The Saudi authorities intend to abandon oil as the main source of income and resource supply. The Kingdom intends to focus on renewable energy.

СМИ: Саудовская Аравия намерена отказаться от нефти

It is reported Gazeta.ru with reference to the Agency Bloomberg, which quotes the Minister of oil of Saudi Arabia Ali al-Naimi.

“I don’t think there is a more ideal country for renewable energy than Saudi Arabia,” said the Minister. Al-Naimi says it is an abundance of sunlight in the Kingdom, a large number of unused areas, and excess sand. All that is required for the construction of solar power plants.

However, al-Naimi believes that the country in the next 50 years will be able to completely give up on oil.

“In the next 50 years humanity will not refuse from fuel, which, incidentally, is not so bad,” said al-Naimi.

Saudi Arabia is not the first time declares ambitious plans to diversify its economy and reduce dependence on oil exports. At the end of January 2016 Saudi Arabia has presented an ambitious plan of “abandoning oil”.

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