Home / Business / Lovely Swan: the former soloist of group “Ranetki” grown up

Lovely Swan: the former soloist of group “Ranetki” grown up

vk.com/lt_of, instagram.com/_lenatretyakova_

Group “Ranetki” appeared in 2005. The team immediately won the Russian show-business and the hearts of teenage girls across the country. Concerts, tours, personal series on STS — “Ranetki” bathed in glory seven years, until suddenly the band had not broken up.


After the dissolution of the collective soloist “Ranetok” tried to start life with a clean slate: some decided to leave the scene for the family, others began a solo career. The bass player Elena Tretyakova did not quit music: first, the singer sang solo, and in 2015 created a group of “Sea”.

Elena Tretyakova

Now many fans “Ranetok” will recognize 27-year-old artist. Over the past few years she has changed: lost weight, changed image and become more feminine. From a Tomboy with long bangs and left no trace. In addition to creativity, Elena enjoys Kundalini yoga and dreams of opening her own Studio.

Елена изменилась до неузнаваемости

Лена в группе "Ранетки"

Певица похудела, поменяла имидж и стала более женственной

Елена Третьякова

От пацанки с длинной челкой не осталось и следа

Группа "Ранетки"

Помимо творчества, Елена увлекается кундалини-йогой

Фото: instagram.com/_lenatretyakova_, vk.com/lt_of

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