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Libya as a marker of pre-election battles

Ливия как маркер предвыборных баталий

The outgoing American President Barack Obama’s main foreign policy error of his administration. It is not increased China and Russia are not arbitrary. This is not a failure of the final reconciliation of Israel with Palestine under the auspices of the US and not the problems with Transatlantic trade partnership. It’s not even the phenomenon of jihadist Caliphate. Which appeared, grew stronger and began to execute Americans live during the presidential term of Barack Obama.

The Nobel peace prize for 2009 considers the most problematic of the Libyan events in 2011: “I thought the intervention in Libya justified, but the action plan after the military operation we did not have…”

American armed involvement in the destruction of Libya was minimal, but effective. In March 2011 in a military operation involving only a few strategic bombers and missile ships of the USA, as well as about fifteen other aircraft types. The Libyan air defense system was completely overwhelmed in less than two weeks, after which the US overshadowed Mediterranean campaign. The European members of NATO has destroyed regional stability independently and with impunity, if we talk about the retaliation on the battlefield. The punishment of the migratory nature of the terrorist bursts and the danger of collapse of the EU followed a few years later.

In October 2011, the Libyan “tyrant” was finally overthrown and a democratically torn to pieces. Largest country in North Africa deteriorated with incredible speed, to the condition flaps voiceless violence. The welfare of Libyans under Qaddafi, social and industrial indicators, the state of infrastructure and crime until 2011 today look fantastic inventions. The results of intervention – the grim reality without glimpses, at the end of the tunnel.

For five years the Libyan GDP per capita fell three times. Oil the basis of the economy decreased from 1.5 to 0.4 million barrels daily. And sell about 30-40 % of oil in control of the terrorist group and conduct business according to the principle “After us the deluge, though the Jihad”. In the former Jamahiriya emerged several warring governments, there were city-States, the markets of slaves (!), armored caravans of merchants. If anything has evolved, so is the industry of delivery of refugees to the EU of clandestine cemeteries along the trails of smugglers. During the war of NATO against Libya, the evacuation of foreigners was less massive than after “liberation from tyranny”! Investors and businessmen were among the first evacuated and never came back.

Regret Obama on Libya is aimed at an American audience and refer to a single episode of a distant war. In September 2012, exactly 11 years after the attack al-Qaeda on the United States, there was an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. In the capital of the Libyan “revolution,” in the citadel of local supporters of progressive reforms and transformations antinicotinic. Four U.S. citizens were killed the most brutal manner, including Ambassador K. Stevens, Embassy official and two guards.

Many Demissie US that day have become targets for radical attack, due to the emergence of the controversial film “Innocence of Muslims”. However, in Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, India, etc. killed the attackers and only in Libya lynched Americans.

The result of the bomb planting democracy manifested itself in obvious and terrible form. In view of the future diplomats and the heads of the U.S. Embassy. This outrageous incident in the recent history of a world leader. Suffice it to say that the previous death of the US Ambassador by terrorists occurred in Afghanistan in 1979. Even before the arrival of Soviet troops in that troubled country, the era of confrontation between two world systems. He offered them freedom on the wings of the bombers – as they violate all norms of etiquette and humanity!

The puppet government of Libya has lost control over processes in the country faster than the collapse of the country. In North Africa and in the Arab world descended into chaos, spread to the countries of southern Europe and has affected the whole of the EU. But the geopolitical goal of weakening European competitors, the demonstration of the military might of the United States associated with the lynching of American diplomats. President Obama has not apologized to the Libyan people, but before the relatives of his compatriots who perished in Benghazi. He expressed regret about the casualties in the way of U.S. domination – if these victims have American citizenship. The problems of the American savages still don’t care about the Sheriff from the White House.

However, candidates positions President-Sheriff forced to enter into a controversy with its own leader and until recently the employer. The Secretary of state in 2009-2012 and a favorite of the American electoral race, Clinton responded to the word “weakness” of Obama. The reaction is internal to the electorate – all the more reason to explore outside the USA:

“I’m proud of the achievements of American policy in Libya, we helped the people of this country during and after the overthrow of Gaddafi… we gave people a chance at democracy – and the chaos arose from the resistance of the Libyans…”

The chance of democracy by destroying the country applies not only to Libya. The situation in other objects of American intervention is not better. Divided into several parts of Iraq and multilateral civil war in Afghanistan – the samples “great assistance to the peoples of those countries”. The list of former States is comprised of many items and continues to expand.

Nasty Libyans resisted democratic intervention, let expostulate on itself. USA them so many chances heavy taste, and how many dollars on bombs spent! The victim is to blame for the cruelty of the fanatic, which is great it helped with disabilities and threw out on a roadside of civilization. Threw away with pride and cynicism and cheerfully smiling at the camera. We will help tip to many, against their wishes and traditions. Who ventured to resist, let the pre-studies the experience of survival in Libya or Liberia. Our chosen elector respects the stiffness and the force directed to the outside world…

Arrogant disregard of the American political elite to the rest of the countries of historically formed and stable during electoral cycles. She actively uses the external factor in the electoral battles. Amazing blind hope overseas uncle (or aunt) in European countries, with a number of cynical destruction on other continents. The cries of “America is with us!” come to Europe of the XII century, with bonfires in the squares, rudimentary medicine, with long-forgotten poverty, with the power of the feudal magnates. And he himself will be to blame for the fatal destination.

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