Home / Oil / Kuwait has increased its oil production after the strike ended

Kuwait has increased its oil production after the strike ended

Кувейт нарастил добычу нефти после окончания забастовки

Kuwait has increased its oil production to 2.9 million barrels a few days later after the termination of the strike of workers of the oil and petrochemical industries.

The production of raw materials fell in Kuwait with 3 million barrels per day before the start of the strike last Sunday to 1.6-1.8 million barrels, according to various reports, by Wednesday, when she was suddenly stopped, informs “Interfax”.

The country is currently being redesigned 830 thousand barrels per day compared to 930 thousand in the period leading up to the actions of workers.

Currently the leadership of the trade unions of the oil and petrochemical industry back to the negotiating table with the authorities on the preservation of privileges for oil industry workers in conditions of conducted in the country of reforming of system of payment of wages.

Modernization of this system, according to the authorities, would create a more equitable conditions of work and reduce public costs.

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