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Kidney cancer: what symptoms indicate disease

Рак почек: какие симптомы сигнализируют о болезниTo recognize kidney cancer is not so simple, the only way out is a timely examination by experts.

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases of the 21st century, but it was kidney cancer doctors call the “silent killer”. And all because of the developing symptoms of the disease are too well hidden and may not show up until the disease will not progress and develop into a 3 or 4 stage. Oncologists insist on regular examination of the body only because the chances of recovery in man’s increase, when it is diagnosed in the initial stages of cancer, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

It is worth to note that kidney cancer can develop several years, and then cause the typical symptoms that lead a person to seek medical attention. Sometimes cancer of one or both kidney patient finds out by accident, for example, in office ultrasound, when examining a completely different organ located in the abdominal cavity.

Signals, eloquently suggesting that kidney cancer has moved to extreme stage: bleeding in the urine, not associated with the menstrual cycle in women, dragging pain in the abdomen, which do not have any other motive, as well as severe pain during urination, which is manifested every time a person goes to the toilet.

Who are the most prone to getting cancer of the kidney (kidney):

1. Strange as it may sound, but people suffering from nicotine addiction, risk of getting not only lung cancer, oral cavity or larynx, and kidneys.

2. Overweight turns into obesityand hypertension may trigger the development of cancerous tumors in the kidneys. Therefore fat people and high blood pressure should be at least twice a year to undergo a full examination by doctors.

3. People who have from birth there are diseases associated with the kidneys, the risk under the number “1”. This may also include those in the family who already have cases of cancer.

4. Advanced age often brings people a lot of health problems, including cancer. Usually the person “burns” their youth, not sparing himself and not thinking about their future and about what disease can overtake him in old age, but in vain. After 50 years of doctors recommend to regularly visit the doctor in time to detect the development of any disease and get a chance for 100% cure.

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