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Junk food more deadly than war?

Фастфуд смертоносней войны?

Despite the fact that the studies were conducted in rats, the obtained data about changes in the brain relevant for humans, because mammals have similar job orbitofrontal cortex – part of the gray matter responsible for perception and evaluation of pleasure from eating.

Manufacturers of fast food know that this food is highly addictive, and studies confirm the fact that junk food alters the behavior, causing almost irreversible damage in the brain that can trigger the development of obesity.
“We noticed that in rats, a diet which within two weeks was meals from eateries, observed violations of sensory-specific satiety after consumption of a high calorie solution. Moreover, the deficit of expression of saturation was observed even during the week after the exclusion of these products from the diet of animals. Thus, leading to the development of obesity food can affect the neurons involved in the motivational control of behavior”.
Normally protects us from overeating the mechanism of sensory-specific satiation, the consumption of junk food overrides this natural “switch” that allows us to adjust the amount of calories consumed.
Junk food consumption also causes mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation of the tissues that can serve as the basis for many other diseases. Providing a direct effect on the brain, these “artificial” foods act like a time bomb waiting in the wings.
In the study, one group of rats for two weeks, fed a standard set of products of fast food from snack bars, which included biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc. For the other group was provided a “standard laboratory diet”. A beep informed the rat that it was time for the next batch. And you can probably guess what happened.
“Rats from the first group ate until I started to suffer from overeating, obesity and other unpleasant sensations, whereas animals that were on a healthy diet, stopped there, having reached satiety”.
However, the most interesting thing happened after the rats who ate junk food, returned to normal diet: they still had a habit of overeating. Their brains were literally trained there are too many and kept this habit even after changing external factors.
“During the development of the global epidemic of obesity advertising may strongly affect people with excess weight before snacking on the chocolate bar becomes more and more difficult to resist. Like you just ate a serving of ice cream, but still go out and continue eating again and again, hearing that drove an ice cream truck”.
Look at the statistics: in the past century, 203 million people died as a result of military action and armed conflicts, genocide, mass killings and starvation, approximately 2 million deaths a year – but the craving for unhealthy food takes more lives.
Even according to conservative estimates by the world health organization at least 2.8 million people die each year from diseases associated with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
Major manufacturers of fast food (McDonald’s, Pepsi-Cola and many others) just slowly kill us.
Moreover, some companies deceive consumers by using various marketing tricks to give the impression that these dangerous products are good for health. One of the most common techniques is the use of the designations “healthy” or “natural” intended to convince us that this is just what we need.
Concern even vegetables – many of them rich only GMOs and pesticides.
What to do, you ask? To start, include in your diet raw products in organic form. And if you have the opportunity – grow fruits and vegetables yourself.

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