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It’s just useless…

OLD DRUG DOES NOT MEAN PROVENЭто просто бесполезно...

What old, but not credible drugs, we can be found on the shelves of pharmacies? Here they are, on everyone’s lips:


Analgin is one of those drugs, which for several years has not just excluded from the list of recommended drugs, but also banned in most European countries. The basis of dipyrone, Metamizole sodium was synthesized in 1920. Its high efficiency allowed the new in those years, the drug is easy to move in the pharmaceutical market.

Only years later, scientists came to the conclusion that the use of dipyrone provokes a number of side effects. Among them, allergic reaction, impaired blood circulation, damage of the gastric mucosa, impaired kidney and liver. The last European country that was banned Analgin, was Spain, it happened already in 1989. It is worth noting that the injectable form of the medication still has not lost its relevance.



It will take a few years before in Russia will change the attitude so popular today, Biseptol, which was successfully treated our grandmothers. With a long and not always reasonable use of this medicine in case of colds, Biseptol can cause allergic reactions. The absence of any therapeutic effect is due to the fact that pathogens have long developed resistance to the drug. English experts say the toxic effects of Biseptol in children’s bodies and suggest that instead of using antibiotics directed action.

What is prohibited and obsolete drugs still used by the Russians?The mysterious word “Tetracycline” and “Chloramphenicol” is quite often heard in my childhood, and now almost out of use. Both drugs are characterized by toxic effects, including suppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis, but because of their independent appointment without consulting a doctor is impossible. In addition, prolonged use of these funds enabled us to develop a resistance to bacteria. In contrast, modern antibacterial preparations of the last generation have done very well with the treatment of bacterial infections.


It is very outdated and toxic medication that was once very popular in the treatment of conjunctivitis, itching, swelling and redness. Today, modern ophthalmology considers tetracycline ointment how ineffective medication and only uses in the role of provocateur recurring conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome.


The drug is Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, today is absolutely contraindicated for children under 12 years of age because of risk of Reye’s syndrome, but it is freely available from pharmacies. If the child’s mother is not heard of adverse effects of medications on the body, it is quite possible that having come to the pharmacy, it will get these tablets, not explaining to the pharmacist why and for whom she buys 10 tablets that do not have the manual. Today in the world there are much more modern and effective drugs to reduce the body temperature, for example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Paracetamol.


Activated carbon is one of the very popular products that are in demand in pharmacies in cases of poisoning. Activated charcoal tablets insoluble, therefore, it is necessary to take them, pre-chewed or cut. But know not all, but a pharmacist at the pharmacy do not always pay attention to it. It turns out that the activated charcoal in insufficient dose does not help the state, and requires large doses is quite dangerous.

Today activated carbon is widely used by those who fight for a slender figure and graceful form, even knowing that by doing so they cause serious damage to the intestines.


Another old drug, coming from the memories of the grandmothers is Heard. Quite a long time it was generally believed that Validol, Corvalol and Valokordin successfully cope with the pain in the heart. It took many years before doctors and patients ceased to give miraculous possibilities of these drugs and have them qualify as light vasodilator and sleeping pills without much therapeutic effect.

The difference between the Validol and Korvalol is only in the fact that in the first drug distracting additive is menthol, the second — Valerian extract and small amounts of phenobarbital for an early sleep. None of these funds may be components that help the heart work. To perceive these drugs as heart medications, since it only delays the time of this treatment.

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