Home / Medicine / It turns out that multivitamins for pregnant women are not so useful

It turns out that multivitamins for pregnant women are not so useful

Оказывается,  поливитамины для беременных не так уж и полезныDoctors advise not to waste money on a multivitamin for pregnant women.

Scientists have proven that taking a multivitamin for pregnant women do not bring much benefit, so I advise not to waste money. In the first trimester to women in an interesting position, it is advisable to take folic acid as a Supplement, vitamin D, which also will cost them much cheaper.

About the need to take a multivitamin for pregnant women shout from the pages of the media and marketing literature, the circulation of which was paid by the firms this kind of vitamins. Scientists decided to address this issue and find out what is really necessary for women who bears a child.

They studied the effect of multivitamins, folic acid, and vitamins A,B,C and D. In the study, researchers found a number of benefits of folic acid intake, the main of which is the ability to avoid damage neural tube of the fetus.

Due to this, pregnant women can protect themselves from common problems associated with spina bifida. In addition to these facts, experts proved the necessity of vitamin D intake because it has a beneficial effect on the formation of baby’s bones and teeth and enhances the absorption of calcium.

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