Home / Medicine / It became known about the harmful effects of oatmeal on the human body

It became known about the harmful effects of oatmeal on the human body

Стало известно о пагубном воздействии овсянки на организм человекаTurns out it was mistaken, calling the oatmeal the healthiest porridge.

To lose a few extra pounds, as well as tidy digestive system, many nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal for Breakfast for 15 days. But is this good advice, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference on the one.

To argue about the benefits of oatmeal is difficult – too many useful qualities distinguish this mess. For example, cereal grain and normalize the bowels, acting as a kind of scrub, clear with its walls all the “garbage” and print out all the toxins.

Also oatmeal helps to regulate blood clotting, controls the absorption of fat by the body and is a therapeutic agent in chronic inflammatory processes.

However, not all of it so easy. There is a perception that regular consumption of oatmeal, especially in large quantities, can be harmful to health.

The fact that oats contain phytic acid which prevents the absorption in the intestine of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and many other minerals. In addition, in relation to the calcium – phytic acid not only reduces its bioavailability, but also extends this trace mineral from the bones of a man.

So if you want to include oatmeal in your diet, make sure it will not dominate your menu. The ideal option is to alternate the oats with other cereals, such as buckwheat, corn and wheat.

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