Home / Science and technology / “Islamic state” has created a mobile app for kids

“Islamic state” has created a mobile app for kids

"Исламское государство" создало мобильное приложение для детейWith the help of this app children can learn the Arabic alphabet.

The jihadists announced the release of the app in their social networks, and actively publish a link to download it. According to them, the program allows children to learn the Arabic alphabet.

Judging by the screenshots posted in the network, each letter is accompanied by a corresponding illustration. Users also report that the application can listen to a song relevant to the topic.

In this case, if the child presses one of the letters, you will hear the Arabic word for a rifle. In another letter painted tank.

Earlier, the IG has already released an app for phones based on Android. With the help of the supporters group could follow the latest news of the jihadists.

In General, the militants are actively using a variety of modern communication channels, including social networks and instant messengers.

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