Home / World / Iraqi air force air strikes destroyed 7 of the ISIS leaders

Iraqi air force air strikes destroyed 7 of the ISIS leaders

Иракские ВВС ракетно-бомбовым ударом уничтожили 7 лидеров ИГ Among the dead and the leaders of the major groups groups operating in Iraq and Syria.

The Iraqi air force on Monday, air strikes destroyed seven leaders of the terrorist group “Islamic state”, among those killed was in charge of intelligence and security in the organization, reported by the information Bureau joint command of the Iraqi security agencies.

According to the Bureau, the elimination of radicals occurred in Western Iraq’s Anbar province, on the border with Syria. Among the killed militants also responsible for intelligence and security in a terrorist organization and a close aide of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Among the dead and the leaders of the major groups groups operating in Iraq and Syria, as well as the head of the Sharia court in the province of the Euphrates.

Earlier, Iraqi authorities announced the beginning of the operation to liberate al-Fallujah. The attack unfolded on several fronts. It is known that under siege ISIS uses civilians as human shields, hiding in residential areas, schools and hospitals.

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