Home / Oil / Iraq increases oil exports in July, but revenues declined

Iraq increases oil exports in July, but revenues declined

Ирак увеличил экспорт нефти в июле, но доходы сократились

Iraq, the second largest producer of OPEC production in July 2016 increased its average daily oil exports by 0.85% from the previous month to 3,203 million barrels a day. This is evidenced by the Iraqi state company State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO).

By the end of June the average daily volume of oil supplies from Iraq amounted to 3,176 million barrels per day, reports RIA “Novosti”.

Only in July, Iraq exported to 99.3 million barrels of oil (an increase of 4.19% compared to June). The entire volume of oil was exported from the field in Basrah.

Meanwhile, the revenues from Iraqi oil exports in July amounted to $3,802 billion (at an average price of $38,288 per barrel) compared to $3,829 billion in the previous month.

Currently Iraq, which ranks fifth in the world in terms of oil reserves, is rebuilding his energy after decades of wars and economic sanctions.

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