Home / Oil / Iraq has reduced oil exports amid rising domestic demand

Iraq has reduced oil exports amid rising domestic demand

Ирак сократил нефтяной экспорт на фоне роста внутреннего спроса

Iraq has reduced oil exports this month due to growing domestic demand. In an interview with Bloomberg, said Deputy oil Minister Fayyad of the country, NIMA.

According to him, exports in may kept at around 3.3 million barrels per day, which is 0.06 million lower compared with April, according to TASS.

The Deputy Minister also said that the data do not include information about shipments from Autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. “The country plans to adhere to export at this level,” said NIMA.

He also recalled that the level of oil production in comparison with April is unchanged at 3.8 million barrels per day. Along with the territories controlled by the Kurds, the figure goes up to 4.8 million if the price of oil will rise, the Iraqi government will be increasing production to 5 million barrels per day.

NIMA, added that at present in Iraq, excluding the Kurdish autonomy, processed 400 thousand barrels per day.

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