Home / Oil / Iran supported the decision to freeze oil production

Iran supported the decision to freeze oil production

Иран поддержал решение о заморозке добычи нефти

Iran supported the initiative of the countries-oil producers to freeze production. As reported on Wednesday, February 17, the Agency “Shana”, this was stated by the Minister of oil of the country, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, after talks with his counterparts from Venezuela, Iraq and Qatar, held in Tehran. At the meeting was discussed about the freezing medium level of production in 2016 at the level of January.

According to the official, his country will also other solutions. “Although this is the first step and it should not be the only. But it may prove to be the beginning of further cooperation between OPEC countries and other producers in order to improve the situation on the oil market,” Zanganeh believes.

Earlier that same day, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic in OPEC Mehdi Asali said that Iran considers it logical to freeze the oil to keep prices from falling. As an argument he reminded that when Iran was under the sanctions, other manufacturers were heavily increased volumes of production of hydrocarbons.

Yesterday in the Qatari capital Doha, the Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Venezuela, included in OPEC and Minister of energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak expressed the readiness to save, on average, in 2016 oil production at the level of January 2016, if other countries-oil producers will join this initiative.

February 16, Minister of energy of Russia Alexander Novak and OPEC representatives agreed during the meeting in the Qatari capital Doha to freeze oil production at the level of 11 January. They also joined Qatar and Venezuela.

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