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Iran continues to increase oil exports

Иран продолжает наращивать экспорт нефти

Iran for the first 2 weeks of April has increased oil exports to 2 million barrels per day, i.e. by 600 thousand barrels, compared with an average March.

Vessel monitoring data show that since the first on April 14, from Iranian ports were tankers loaded with 28.8 million barrels of oil. The average Iranian exports in March amounted to 1.45 million barrels, informs “Interfax”.

The biggest buyer of oil from Iran in April so far is China. Exports to Japan, halted in March, resumed.

Strong export performance recorded in front of a meeting of oil producers in Doha on 17 April, on which Saudi Arabia, Russia and other States are expected to discuss the plan of freezing production at the level of January.

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