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IPhone 8 will release with 3D glass experts

IPhone 8 выпустят с 3D-стеклом, - экспертыExperts predict what will unique IPhone 8.

Haven’t had time to go through the presentation, “seven”, as the peak of the debate among experts iPhone 8, which will be presented in 2017.

Sources from China report that the new phone will have a 3D glass. For the first time this kind of glass was used in the YotaPhone 2. Also 3D glass have smartphones Chinese manufacturers Xiaomi. Most likely, the screen will not have the front part and the rear. Also, according to rumors, the iPhone will appear edge-screen.

But since the presentation is so highly anticipated news will be held until next year, fans of “apples” in anticipation of the presentation of the metal iPhone 7, which will take place very soon

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