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Investors Pokemon Go count a huge profit

Инвесторы Pokemon Go подсчитывают колоссальную прибыльPeople who have invested money in the development of the popular game, has received millions in profits. The company’s shares Niantic broke all records in terms of profitability.

During the short time of existence, the game for mobile Pokemon Go has gained immense popularity.

A British citizen, have invested money in the company-the developer of the game, believed that it had made a good choice. Profit he did not disclose, but we know that we are talking about several million pounds. The businessman said that he was attracted by the idea of augmented reality and he felt that this idea has great potential.

The combination of reality with computer graphics has very serious prospects that have demonstrated a popular game. The company’s shares soared Niantic doubled and now account for a huge capital size is about 40 billion U.S. dollars.

The game started to gain popularity right after the official release. It uses the principle of augmented reality, combining real terrain with three-dimensional computer graphics.

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