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Invented sunglasses selfie

Изобретены солнцезащитные очки для селфиPoints allow you to control the phone at a distance of 60 metres from the subject.

Representatives of promising Spanish startup WeOn, it may be possible to make a revolution in the market of sunglasses.

The thing is that now the selfie lovers will need to simply just wear a favorite everyday accessory and, in addition to protection from sunlight, owners will be able to do as “Sebaste”.

On the right handle of the device is two tiny lever that allows you to control the phone, which can be located at a distance of 60 metres from the subject.

“We want to change the way to do a selfie. Glasses is familiar to each of us accessory. They are with us during trips, vacations, concert idols on the beach. We would like to offer simple and more convenient modern solution, in which the user won’t need a monopod, always out of place appearing in the frame”, – told the press, Santiano Ambit, which is one of the founders of the WeOn.

The creators of technology have launched the company on Kickstarter to raise funds. The choice of the users of the two models: for 29 and 39 euros. WeOn socket made of ultra-light polycarbonate with high-quality lenses. Included with the glasses is also possible to design the sticker, using your smartphone can be mounted to any surface.

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