Home / Medicine / Intestinal bacteria are manipulated by the brain – scientists

Intestinal bacteria are manipulated by the brain – scientists

Кишечные бактерии манипулируют мозгом, - ученыеFound bacteria that affect the brain.

American researchers said that they managed to discover a new species of intestinal bacteria, which can affect the human brain and mental state of a person.

It turned out that we are talking about the kind that can exist and develop only thanks to the gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is released by the brain. Also it is an important element of the mechanism of inhibition of the Central nervous system in mammals.

It is known that the decrease of the content in the body of this element plays the role of depressant chemicals and can cause depression and mental disorders. Thus was the first to establish the relationship between intestinal bacteria and the activity of the brain.

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