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Incredibly expensive tea, only available to oligarchs. Photo

Невероятно дорогой чай, доступный лишь олигархам. ФотоLuxury for real connoisseurs of tea.

For many centuries this refreshing drink was considered as a medicine. In the territories of States contiguous with China, tea is served as the currency of the way in the first Millennium of our era. The process of welding fabrications, was kept a closely guarded secret, seeds and seedlings were considered a national treasure, so smuggling was punishable by death. Thousands of years later, and today, tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. See what teas are the most expensive.

Tienchi flower tea – $ 170 per kg

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Although it may look like tiny broccoli, Tienchi flower tea is known for its therapeutic potential. It is believed to be the most useful tea in the world.

Darjeeling tea – $ 200 per kg

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Darjeeling tea is made in India and is one of the most popular teas due to its special flavor and wonderful floral aroma.

Silver threads Imperial tea – $ 400 per kg

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Silver threads Imperial tea really like Darjeeling tea. Its taste and color special and say that it is harvested during the full moon.

Tea Gyokuro – $ 650 per kg

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The Gyokuro tea leaves are said to contain high amino acid levels, which makes the tea very sweet.

PU tea PU’er $ 1,000 per kg

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While the name may sound funny, but the truth is, it is! This tea is made from the excrement of insects that feed on the tea leaves. Tea known for its medicinal powers.

Yellow gold tea buds – $3000 USD per kg

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This Royal tea actually is produced using real gold. It can only be found in Singapore.

Tieguanyin tea – $ 3000 per kg

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This Oolong tea they say, belongs to the gods, and its leaves can be brewed up to 7 times. After brewing it tastes like chestnut.

Vintage tea Wuyi Narcissus Oolong tea – 6 500 $ per kg

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This Chinese tea is prepared over 50 years. His black sheets were named after Narcissus of Greek mythology.

Tea Manure Pandas -70 000 USD per kg

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One of the most nutritious and expensive teas in the world are made using Panda excrement. What makes it so good? Wild pandas eat bamboo and absorb 30% of its nutrients. Nutrient-rich litter of pandas then used as fertilizer for tea trees.

Of dakhunpao – 1 200 000 USD per kg.

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The world’s most expensive tea is a Chinese tea that intensely oxidizes and has a rich floral taste that lingers in your mouth. Legend has it that this tea during the Ming dynasty, the mother of a Emperor was cured thanks to the tea, dahongpao. This tea tree has been preserved and exists to this day. It is also highly revered!

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