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What cures tea

От чего лечит чайThe tea party is not only a pleasant way to quench your thirst and an indispensable attribute of communication, but also the opportunity to improve their health.

The action of strong black tea similar to coffee, and therefore the best way to Wake up early in the morning to treat yourself with a Cup of fragrant drink. But do not forget that the black tea has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and heart. And because people who suffer from insomnia, hypertension and heart disease, it is better to replace black tea green.

But under reduced pressure and spasm of blood vessels black tea can be good replacement medications. As for green tea, it is considered more useful than black. Green tea strengthens the capillaries, stimulates the formation of blood. This drink is a good source of fluoride, so if you drink green tea without sugar, can strengthen tooth enamel and protect against tooth decay.
Green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves digestion, has antimicrobial and antipyretic effect. Thanks to all these properties of black and green tea often used in traditional medicine.
For upset stomach 2 Bay leaves and 1 teaspoon of black tea, pour a glass of cold water, put on fire and boil until there is half a Cup of liquid. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

Rubbing his eyes strong black tea, you will get rid of conjunctivitis and relieve fatigue and redness of the eyes.
Quickly get rid of bronchitis will help tea with pepper. 1 teaspoon of dry black tea take 2 teaspoons of honey and 2-3 black peppercorns. The whole composition poured into the kettle and brewed as usual. Drink 2-3 times a day.

With motion sickness in the car, seasickness, nausea in pregnant women should chew dry green tea.

Strong infusion of green tea to treat inflammation on the skin. Green tea has an antiseptic effect, accelerates the healing of wounds. More aromatic and delicious tea can be done many times healthier and tastier by adding leaves and roots of various plants.

Flavored teas are often used as a therapeutic agent. Green tea combined with mint is a recognized method to get rid of a headache. Brew the tea as usual, add the mint leaves (1 tablespoon of green tea — 12 tablespoon mint) and slightly sweeten the drink with honey. Those who for a long time can’t sleep and often nervous over nothing, suitable soothing tea. Mix equal proportions of flowers and leaves of lavender, sage, mint and oregano. Brew the herbs with boiling water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herbs per Cup of boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Drinking herbal tea can be both hot and chilled.

To cope with colds and strengthen the immune system help vitamin tea. Take one part dry raspberries, two parts of hawthorn berries, two hips and one part green tea. Rose hips and hawthorn crush all the ingredients are mixed, pour boiling water and let it brew.

Tea from the leaves and flowers of raspberry and BlackBerry is very good, flavorful, has a subtle, delicate scent. This is an excellent remedy for inflammation of the gums and oral cavity, and skin diseases. Raspberry and BlackBerry teas are good thirst quencher in the heat and regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. With therapeutic purposes herbal teas should be drunk without sugar an hour before eating or 1-2 hours after a meal. And just as a pleasant drink this tea can be drunk with honey, dried fruit, fruit.

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