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In what diseases people are freezing even in the summer heat

При каких заболеваниях люди мерзнут даже в летнюю жаруExperts identify six main reasons why people always chilly.

If you belong to the category of people who manage to be cold even in summer in the midst of the heat, then you should seek the causes that provoke this condition.

Slow thyroid function

If you chilly and uncomfortable, while another rolls fatigue, began to fall much hair, but the digestion process is slow – it can be a symptom of hypothyroidism and you definitely need to consult a physician.

You have a lack of iron

If you are cold in the heat, while you have a pale appearance, strong sense of fatigue is often spoken of anemia in which the body lacks iron. Most often this disease affects women (beginning in adolescence and ending with menopause. The menstrual cycle also entails for women a significant loss of iron. To determine the exact cause of this condition will help a complete blood count.

Do you have trouble sleeping

The lack of a night’s rest will lead to disturbances in the nervous system and in the mechanisms which regulate the temperature of your body. Good sleep should last for 7-9 hours. When you enough sleep, slowing down activity in the area of the hypothalamus – the area of the brain that regulates body temperature.

Your body does not have enough fluid

It is well known that the human body consists of 70% water. When it experiences dehydration (even slight), the body begins to stock up, hold water, and it lowers body temperature so that you can feel comfortable. Therefore, without a provision of a day to 1.5 liters of liquid, some of the processes in our body start to slow down, the skin and mucous membranes are dry, there are headaches and feelings of fatigue.

You do not have enough vitamin B12

This vitamin is found mainly in foods of animal origin. The human body vitamin B12 is needed to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen through the circulatory system. With a shortage of vitamin B12 can happen iron deficiency anemia, which in turn will lead to chronic chilliness. Vitamin B12 is found in meats, poultry, fish and dairy products. Can I get this element with injections.

You have diabetes

Diabetes in poorly controlled stage can lead to peripheral neuropathy – such disease of the peripheral nerves, which quickly develops and causes a feeling of coldness in the hands and feet. The manifestation of the first symptoms of numbness or coldness, you should get expert advice from a doctor or diabetologist.

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