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In Ukraine will hold free courses from Google

В Украине проведут бесплатные курсы от GoogleThe courses will teach everyone Internet marketing.

Google has announced the launch of a Digital education programme Workshop in Ukraine. This is an international free courses on digital marketing, and now translated into the Ukrainian language. To sign up for them, everyone can.

In fact, this set of training manuals and materials that acquaint the user with the basics of Internet marketing (for example, about how to promote online store, how to grow their audiences in social networks, etc.). The training consists of short video lessons, text materials and a small test. The company argued that the materials on the level available to any Internet user – from student to entrepreneur.

It is expected that students will make for themselves a curriculum and tutor. To get access to your training materials, you will have to register (login and password and Google just fine), and then to choose, why the need for knowledge (for the development of their own business, to improve my skills an Internet marketer or for the General development).

Users can select themes that interest them, or go all online course completely and get certificate from Google and IAB Europe for 23 topic passed the user gets the Digital certificate Workshop.

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