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In the United States figured out how to make hydrogen fuel cheaper

В США придумали, как сделать водородное топливо дешевле

Researchers from the University of Houston and the California Institute of technology understand how to get hydrogen fuel at lower cost. More specifically, they have created a new and effective catalyst to reduce the reaction of splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen, according to online resource GreenEvolution.

The most efficient catalysts, accelerating the reaction of hydrogen evolution on the platinum. Platinum, as you know, more than gold, and therefore obtaining hydrogen fuel from ordinary water is expensive. Created by a group of scientists from the U.S., the catalyst is much cheaper: it is a porous structure of Nickel selenide interspersed with particles of molybdenum sulphoselenide.

For the reaction splitting H2O molecules with the help of such a catalyst to the American researchers took an electric current from an external source voltage only 69 millivolts. When this was reached the current density sufficient for electrolysis of water. The lower the voltage required for the reaction, the greater the efficiency and less the monetary cost of its implementation.

However, for the electrolysis using a platinum catalyst, requires supply voltage of only 32 millivolt. At the moment, the researchers focused on how to reduce the rate for reactions involving a new Nickel-molybdenum catalyst.

Hydrogen fuel, which is obtained by splitting (electrolysis) of water in the world is increasingly seen as the fuel of the future. First, the inventory of hydrogen is readily available and relatively inexhaustible. Secondly, the use of such fuels ensures environmental cleanliness, because when it is burning again water is formed without any foreign matters.

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