19-year-old resident of the town of Kirishi (Leningrad region) killed herself after dad took away his laptop. On Tuesday, March 15, reported on the website of the investigative Committee of the region.
The body of a man was found in the apartment of residential house on 14 March. “During check it is established that the victim was excessively fond of computer games, therefore the father took his laptop”, — said the Agency.
“News.ru” note that after this young man told friends about his intention to settle scores with life. According Life78, parents of the deceased were divorced for several years. Six months before the suicide of his father kicked the young man out of his apartment, but he still went there.
It is known that the boy did not learn and did not work.
On 10 March it was reported that 11-year-old gamer from China cut off his finger of his left hand during a dispute with his parents about computer games. What he was trying to prove his act is not specified.
In April 2015 the minor inhabitant of Cheboksary cut the throat of his younger brother while he slept. It is known that before the murder the teenager had been sitting playing computer games until morning. In January of this year, the court in Chuvashia found him insane and decided to send him for forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital.