Home / Oil / In Texas fired up the second largest petrochemical complex in the U.S.

In Texas fired up the second largest petrochemical complex in the U.S.

В Техасе загорелся второй по величине нефтехимический комплекс в США

A major fire broke out on the second largest petrochemical and refinery complex of the USA, located in the state of Texas.

According to the American media, the incident occurred at the factory of ExxonMobil in BAYTOWN, Texas, reports RIA “Novosti”.

On the video footage published Click2Houston, it is clear, as fire engulfed one of the industrial buildings and rises to a height of 10 meters. Firemen trying to extinguish the flames and prevent the fire from spreading to a nearby building and communication.

ExxonMobil has said that casualties in the incident, as dangerous emissions.

However, the appropriate authorities have already started to take samples of air, to make sure that people in district not in danger. What was the cause of the fire, is not specified.

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