Home / Money / In Magnitogorsk have found a snow Bank, filled with money

In Magnitogorsk have found a snow Bank, filled with money

В Магнитогорске нашли сугроб, начиненный деньгами

— I yesterday two hundred and fifty roubles found here, and today, only seventy — says schoolgirl Olga Filatova, yesterday it was easier to find, and now all trampled feet, it’s money from under the snow to dig.

The snow surprise is in the centre of the city, under the Windows of one of houses along the Avenue of Karl Marx. The place is busy — a number of kiosks, roadway and tram stop. On both sides of the snow pile, stuffed with coins, and surround the porches of the shops. Their staff the second day see the raids of treasure hunters.

— Today a few guys all the snow here examined. Left with pockets full of little things, — tell the guards of a jewelry salon.

According to them the money rained down from above yesterday morning. Basically a ten coins. But there were also dozens of paper. Those that lay in sight of the guards picked up and out of a snowdrift to dig not dare, decided to wait until the snow melts. Now I regret. Who knew that so many people will run across!

According to rumors the weekend is here noted Georgian wedding. The money, allegedly according to national custom, was thrown into a snowbank guests. Rumor has it that snow may be up to ten thousand rubles a trifle.

— It was no big deal! What a Georgian wedding? We got no coffee, no restaurants nearby, — told “KP” Natalia Nikitina is the owner of the store “Fabrics”, under the Windows which is the miracle of the snow. — The story scattered the coins is repeated for the third year in a row. In the fall or closer to spring onto the porch Barber shop and on our lawn are starting to pour money. Dozens of paper flying, the thing falls. Five times already. My daughter last year in one day fifteen hundred roubles. Throw them from a window above our shop. We all thought maybe someone smashes the piggy Bank?

Shop owners, on which the third year is falling the rain of money, find another explanation for this phenomenon. According to them, we can talk about some magic rites. The thought that someone is engaged in witchcraft is pleasant, of course, a little. However, entrepreneurs have anything against such rituals have not.

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